Dominic R. or likely amanda mew/mewen/mewie brown’s was forced to make a false police report to (supposively) make me remove content?

Update: turns out it was amanda who forced him to make the false report?

Well, this happened a few months ago to be honest, it wasn’t the least bit surprising or shocking either for that matter. I missed a phone call from a detective, who left a brief message. After listening to it, I called them back. I was thinking… “Who could have made this call?” Once I got on the phone with the detective, I asked who made the unlawful police report, the detective disclosed who did it, which turned out to be none other than Dominic R.

I briefly explained to the detective and mentioned that this person was hell-bent into censoring my rights to freedom of expression/speech/thought,choice and about the internet drama that was related to it all. She understood and probably wasn’t too happy to know they made a false report.

Well, case closed, I don’t think they’ll be doing that again any time soon. Abusing law enforcement is foolish: You can be charged for making a bogus/prank/unlawful/false report/call to police and they can track you down depending on the severity of it. Anyways, I won’t be deleting any of the content/media that is linked/hosted at all. It stays up. It never comes down. Period. It’s been a while since the last time this crap happened,

I don’t want to make another chronicals of truth podcast vlog about this either, but I probably will if it keeps up. This time, NAMES WILL BE MENTIONED if it crosses the line.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, if the named person is reading this, I suggest that he moves on, right away. Let it go, drop it. Life is more important than internet drama that nobody gives a rotting shit about.