Tuckers Marketplace, Boston Pizza, Mcdonalds after Roncy’s Bean!

Ahh, the nice summer weather, what not to do on a hot summer day? Celebrate a birthday of course! I went to tucker’s marketplace to have my mother’s 63rd birthday! It was calm, peaceful and enjoyable. We didn’t rush it, I ate my fill, gathered up energy and everything else I could do at a buffet. Don’t forget, I biked all the way there and back via weston, st. phillips road and dixon. Forget scarlett road, that is all potholes and a big hill.

Then comes boston pizza. We left a bit late, the other family member got lost (went east instead of west!) on front street, which further delayed everything until I met up with her at 2 blocks east of the CBC building.

We then went into the restaurant and ordered two rounds of nachos and a pitcher of beer, followed by a fishbowl of hard mixed drinks, followed by shots of B52’s. I got buzzed, my brother did, but having no sleep on his behalf didn’t make things any better.

Thing is, he doesn’t seem to know how to handle his drinks, as such, he tends to slap people or get irresponsible aggressive. I had to ignore and avoid him for that, because if he had got arrested, oh man, he would be in so much shit.

That aside, we went to the King and Dufferin mcdonalds to freshen up with a large coffee. After which once that was nearly done, my brother starts lying about Roncesvalles not having bike lanes. WRONG!! They have them alright. Cannot deny what already exists, since he hasn’t been down in that area since the construction was finished. He’ll realize soon enough once he sees it.

We ended up getting home at 5:00am, my brother at 5:30am. I went to sleep right afterwards due to heavy exhaustion and the caffeine wearing off. What a brilliantly great night it was!! My brother owes me $115.00 now, he has to pay up soon… Or else!

Ahh, now finally, a day where there wasn’t too much excitement. I got the wrong time for the Roncy Rocks event on Roncesvalles, which ended at 6:30pm, not at 8:30pm. Typo on the website? I’m afraid so. They’ve got to make sure that doesn’t happen again. Instead of seeing musicians and arts, we went to the Roncy’s Bean, a great coffee shop, to have an espresso and italian soda!

That went well! But I’ll remember not to mix heavy amounts of nutmeg, cinnamon and cocca together, which settled at the bottom and fused, making a slimy eggwhite-like mixture. It was a damn DARE to swallow it all. It took three tries and it went down eventually. Telling you, I never felt like gagging so damn hard!! :@

Okay, enough of that. Don’t want to make you toss up your snack or food, or tea/beverage not named or whatever it is you’re having right now.

After which I went to the mcdonalds at walmart to meet my brother, who THEN wanted to go to the mcdonalds, not at keele and st.clair, but the one at dufferin and dupont. I beat them there, zoomed around the plaza until they arrived, locked up and went in to grab a snackwrap and a few soda’s, that being Rootbeer. After which we left and I headed home, arriving before anybody else did yet again.

Ahh, a well spent weekend, better than nothing at all!!

PEACE OUT! DON’T FORGET to “LIKE” this post, share it and take your time reading! Drop a comment too!

That scientology protest

So it started off with one anon at the usual location, in front of the Org, they didn’t close the blinds, that is, until the second showed up, when I started yelling through the megaphone before being told to move across the street by the country style owner. I moved back across with the other anon upon his arrival, made late due to transit delays and construction.

Once I started shouting at over 180 Db, Mario closed the doors, it had no effect, I kept it up every so often and people were looking. We talked to some critics and some handlers, it was quite amusing to say the least and for one thing, it actually was more entertaining than the last one. One anon, barely gets any attention, when there’s two or more, then people notice.

The handler got handled by us and also got ripped apart by a critic, he eventually got too nervous and left. Are we too much to handle? Lol. I guess we were. There also was a section of the video (that I caught) of two people going the wrong way through a one-way street. What a bunch of assholes. They’ll be on the web in that video too. I thought to myself, “what were they thinking?”, If they wanted to cause an accident, that was the bad idea, it wouldn’t have been a smart one either.


  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEDsRH3o7KU
  • All in all, a great turnout. Looking forward to the next one.

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    Laundry and dealing with missing mismatched socks, bluesfest, etc.

    So yeah, it’s been a while since the last time I made a post on here. Don’t you think one bit that I forgot you!

    So from saturday to monday and a half, I got the laundry done and disappointingly, the driers weren’t working. So I had no choice but to hang it all outside, despite the risk/threat of rain, all of it managed to get dried, a bit of it re-rinsed due to the rain. It was quite fun actually, having more than 60 pegs to hold up the extra heavy clothing. This took TWO DAYS.

    Now, had I not had a supporting pole, the clothing would be still drying as of now. I had to erect it before actually hanging the remainder up. It only required a screw hook to ensure it stayed up. Coaxial cable is damn strong and handy when it comes to holding 85 lbs of clothing.

    All that while I was at the bluesfest, enjoying the blues except one obvious fault, the media card flunked out on me, including the built-in storage. That made me feel like raging!! But anyways, it was a damn good concert and festival. Saw and heard some fantastic music. I stayed for the entire event, didn’t miss a beat or a sound wave. Grabbed a meal while I was there and ignored the beer garden too, I had water with me, so I didn’t need to spend anymore than I had to.

    After the event was over, after being lightly rained on for a majority of it and using the sense to bring an umbrella with me, I was fine. I made the mistake bringing the heavy coat, which was quite stupid. A light coat would have been better. Oh well, next time I’ll make a better choice. Did I mention I was alone the entire time? Yeah, family was at ikea from morning to closing. I would have been bored to DEATH.

    After I left woodmine park, I ventured into toronto-wanderland. I was all over the areas between St. Clair and Eglinton, climbed avenue road and so on. I got the exercise I needed to get and felt damn good. Before that, got a frappucino at starbucks. Mmm Mmm good.

    Once I got home, I went to bed, passed out and forgot the world existed. 😀

    Now, the last part of this blog entry: mismatched single socks. I had about 15 to rid, out of 60. Thankfully I matched them all up and got rid of the loners. That was complex and frustraiting. I didn’t do this for a year… a year!!, but now it’s done, settled and they’re sorted, the loners in the trash bin. I thought of burning them as a big wick, but meh, fuck it. I have a bunch of old rags for that. Individual socks aren’t worth it and plus, having rubber in them, would stick like hell.

    So thank you for reading this long long RANDOM post. Peace out, I won’t forget next time. I have just been busy this past few weeks. Sleep patterns that’re out of this world suck so much. I need to fucking restart this motor and get back on the road before shit gets crazy!! 🙂


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