Excessive barking – What actions must one take when building management, security, and animal services don’t give a shit?

What would you do if you had a few neighbors letting their dog(s) bark all day and night? What if they left them on the balcony with little to no food or water? What if you lost sleep over it all? What action would you have to take, if security, building management and toronto animal service didn’t do ANYTHING about it?

1. You could confront the neighbor or person, but do so with a friend or neighbor. You never know if he or she (the offender) could possibly do. Always be prepared.

2. You could call the police each time it happens until the matter is settled, assuming they do their job and tell the person to keep the animal quiet, or it’s a charge or fine depending on the bylaw.

3. You could lodge a complaint through the city to see if anything could be done on their behalf, to settle the issue right away so it doesn’t happen ever again.

4. You could file a report with toronto animal services (you’ve got to keep at it) against the person for possible neglect and then they’ll investigate the matter within a week.

5. You could easily get the superintendent of the building to send them a notice, or the property manager, or landlord too. Something just has to give right?

6. If all else fails, maybe you need to use a megaphone (tell them to shut the fuck up, control their dog, keep it quiet, etc.) or something else (not gonna mention it, but you could get the idea), or use a flash light and shine it at their unit’s windows until they come out and you then tell them it’s keeping you up all night and if they don’t keep it quiet, maybe just give the dog(s) away if they cannot take care of them.

That is all I can recommend. I hate to be kept up all night because some motherfucker keeps their dog on the balcony and the noise it makes (non-stop barking) echos all over the place. Hell, even my friend 9 blocks away could hear it barking! I would hate to loose sleep too, because, like anybody else, I work most days.

Thanks for reading!! Feel free to share, e-mail, “like” and do what else you would do after reading a blog. 🙂

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Reposted with permission. Originally on facebook.

1) There is nothing essentially wrong with Psychiatry: When I had my depression and was feeling suicidal, My love for my wife and not wanting to leave her alone was greater than my apprehension and fear of Psychiatry. My psychiatrist was always there for me when I needed her and I would have never gotten through that part of my life without her. I’m sure that there are also Psychiatrists who are assholes but then again, asshole-ism is career independent

2) There is also nothing essentially wrong with Scientology; (The subject, not the “church”) c’mon, is The Xenu story really any more outrageous than Virgin Birth, Noah and the Ark or The Parting of the Red Sea? Looking up words in the dictionary is probably a good idea and clay demos
are mostly harmless

3) Freedom of religion does not give anybody the right to hold someone hostage, fair game them or do any of the other shenanigans that we all know that OSA is doing; I’ve heard so many time that The First Amendment does not give one the right to cry fire in a crowded theater. If someone were to use a defense for murder that they were a Mayan and were exercising their freedom of religion by performing a human sacrifice,
they would still hopefully get a needle in their arm

4) There is nothing in Scientology that isn’t already someplace else; Check the Kabalah, I-Ching, Tao de Ching, Torah, Bhagavad Gita or any of the many Self-Help, Religious or Philosophical books sitting on the shelf. Go watch What the Bleep do we Know? Marley Matlin is much better looking than Ron

5) Miscavige’s height has nothing to do with anything; Holding hostages, Fair gaming, breaking up families and their general harassment does. Asshole-ism is hight independent
6) Most Scientologists are good people who want to make a difference in the world; I really wanted to make a difference (I still do) and just as I was, these people are really mis-guided. It was really hard for me when I finally realized that I had been duped, it will be hard for others too! These people are going to need our understanding, compassion and friendship

7) The Church of Scientology will fail per it’s own policies; Didn’t Hubbard say in Science of Survival that when children become unimportant to a society, that society has forfeited it’s future? Well, what do you call forced abortions? What do you call some of the stuff that the people are posting about on the ESK site? I cried when I read what was done to some of those kids and that I was responsible because I had empowered
The Church for all those years.

8) Scientology has no idea of the power of the Internet nor has any idea of how to use it; I remember that the first policy of the Church of Scientology is to maintain friendly relationships with the community. They are not doing this at least in regards to the On-Line Community. That is how they provoked Anonymous! Before demanding websites
or videos be taken down someone at OSA should Google The Barbara Streisand Effect and then apply that policy. They won’t though because they have totally underestimated the power of the Internet. Hubbard dropped dead before he could tell them all how to use it.

9) Dislike of Scientology has reached “The Tipping Point;” Take a look at the book by Malcolm Gladwell. The hard work of the critic community as well as years of OSA blunders have had an exponential effect,creating its own antagonism. Scientology is going down, and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.

10) The religion of Scientology will probably be with us forever; The present church will be
gone though. The stuff is out there though and you just can’t close the box. After the Church is long gone however, there will still be someone who finds a Creation of Human Ability book at a used book store or estate sale and try to do the procedures in the book with a friend. Thats OK, some of the stuff may be useful, If delivered in a
different context that is! A context without Fair Game, the RPF, disconnection and Internet Harassment!

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Citizens Commission (Against, Violating) on Human Rights (CCHR) Scientology Front is at 788 King Street West in Toronto

Just to alert people about this nonsense, the church (cult) of scientology is going to be hiding behind a front group known as CCHR at 788 King Street West at Bathurst (or Niagara street, just a block away, near stanley park ) with their misleading seminar and all, slandering psychiatry and saying it’s very evil.

It would be very great to protest every single day! I did today, somebody who lives in that area DOES NOT want the cult to be there at all either. I hope more anons, critics, Ex-Scientologists also join in as the days go by. DO NOT be afraid at all! Bring a buddy if you must. It is not wise to do it alone at all, unless you can handle yourself physically and mentally.

This way, their fair game and bull-baiting doesn’t work and you don’t get sucked in yourself! I am writing this entry to educate people who search for it. I would hate to see people get sucked into the cult of scientology! Worst of all, they never use scientology in any of their front groups! It is a very evil thing they do. Scientology is after your mind, family, money, CHILDREN and your sanity.

Don’t be sucked in, fooled or tricked. For those in that can think for themselves, BLOW, Think, Run, Escape while you still can!!

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Scientology abuses written in detail (from a post in a facebook group) I wanted to cross-post

By Rod K. on 4:19pm, Aug 9 2013.

I don’t recall when I wrote this. I probably distributed about 5,000 of these outside the DC org back in the day. I skimmed it just now, and I think it holds up.

Why I protest.

This is why I protest against Scientology: I object to (1) use of bait-and-switch tactics, (2) illegal practice of medicine, (3) undue financial pressure, (4) physical abuse, and (5) psychological abuse.

1. Bait-and-switch

Scientology is a bait-and-switch scheme. People come to Scientology hoping for increased intelligence, improved personality, and help in dealing with personal problems. They don’t come in to learn a system of beliefs based on science fiction stories, infestations of alien spirits and exploding volcanos. People deserve to know the content of the upper levels when they sign up.

Bait-and-switch is also used by Scientology front groups. A school board isn’t told that Applied Scholastics is Scientology. A judge isn’t told that Narconon is Scientology. A youth group isn’t told that Drug Free Marshals is Scientology. Front groups hide the name Scientology from people who deserve to know exactly what they are being asked to contribute to or endorse.

Bait-and-switch is the point of the personality test. It is deceptive to let the people who take the test think that the analysis they receive of their results are based on their test results, when in fact the analysis is scripted, written before they ever take the test. The recommendation is always the same: Scientology. It is deceptive to offer this as a genuine test of personality.

Bait-and-switch is the purpose of the “Now Hiring” signs posted at every Scientology church. This is not a genuine job offer, but a recruitment ploy. Even after the recruit understands that there is only token payment, they are led to believe that they will receive training or auditing (counseling) as a staff member. This offer is not genuine, staff are not routinely trained or given free auditing.

Bait-and-switch is the purpose of the claims that Scientology is compatible with all other religions. A devout member of another religion is assured that joining Scientology does not mean giving up hir or her previous religion. Scientologists are not told about tapes and writings by L. Ron Hubbard where he disparages other races and religions, belittles Christianity and Islam specifically, or about the filing Scientology made to the IRS where they admit that members are expected to give up other religion practices when they join Scientology.

2. Illegal practice of medicine / Criminal negligence

The Lisa McPherson case is not so much a matter of practicing medicine without a license as it is criminal negligence. She died after 17 days of isolation, lack of food, lack of water, and lack of medical care. Even if the Scientologists who saw Lisa had been properly licensed, the care she received at Scientology’s spiritual headquarters prior to her death was criminally negligent. She should have seen a non-Scientologist medical doctor.

Scientology pushes chiropractic and other “alternative” care as a substitute for medical doctors. Members are urged not to visit medical doctors for checkups or for chronic conditions, but to see chiropractors who are also Scientologists. Scientologists are urged to discontinue taking prescriptions from medical doctors, and discouraged from having physical exams that could reveal serious disease while it is still treatable. Scientology auditing is suggested as the preferred method of treating disease. Staff leave Scientology when a serious disease reaches the stage where it interferes with their ability to perform as a Scientologist. Scientologists have died from cancer and other diseases that could have been treated if diagnosed early.

3. Financial pressure

Scientologists are encouraged to expend large amounts of money on courses and training. Those members who don’t have the money are put under pressure to extend themselves by means of credit cards, second or third mortgages, borrowing from friends or family, emptying trust funds and retirement accounts, and selling off assets. Registrars are trained not to take “no” for an answer; they will even accompany members to the bank so the money can be taken from them as quickly as possible. Scientologists are frequently sent directly from an auditing session to the registrar, so they can be sold additional courses while they are still on the auditing “high”. Members are encouraged to keep the level of spending secret from non-member spouses and other family in order to avoid alarm for as long as possible.

Business owners are urged to join the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises, where they pay a percentage of their earnings for no real benefit to their business. These funds flow back to the cult. WISE members are expected to implement management by statistics, overly aggressive sales techniques, and other of L. Ron Hubbard’s business theories that can cause their business to suffer. WISE companies are expected to hire expensive Scientology management consultants and other experts.

4. Physical abuse

Physical abuse in Scientology is best exemplified by the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF). Prison camps are run for “Sea Org” members in Los Angeles, Clearwater FL, Copenhagen and other sites, for those who have fallen behind in their work or have questioned authority in Scientology. The program can include solitary confinement, hours of running around a pole, hard labor, feeding on food from the garbage, confinement behind barbed wire. RPF facilities are patrolled using guard dogs and armed guards, making escape impossible. Months can be spent in the RPF, which contains an even worse prison within it, the RPF’s RPF. Imprisonment in dark, cold or wet places, in wire cages or with chains has been reported in the RPF’s RPF.

Overboarding is another traditional Sea Org punishment, where the victim is thrown off the deck of a ship. Locations far from the sea can use ponds, streams, showers, garden hoses, or even toilets to simulate overboarding.

Members who suffer a psychotic break can be placed on the Introspection Rundown, where the person is isolated until they show signs of recovery. During this time they are not restrained, and self-inflicted injury is likely. Lisa McPherson died from the Rundown with bruises, scratches, cuts and abrasions all over her body.

5. Psychological abuse

Psychological abuse takes place to enforce Scientology policy. Members can have their families used against them to enforce compliance with Scientology directives. The policy of “disconnection” is used to separate members from their families; a member may be ordered to never speak or communicate with their family again. Pressure is applied to coerce financial donations to Scientology, sometimes with disastrous effects. Suicide and psychotic breaks are not uncommon among Scientologists under financial pressure. The revelation of the upper levels can also cause this type of stress, when the much-touted “sacred scriptures” full of advanced spiritual insights are discovered to be bizarre science fiction stories. Rejection of the upper levels by a member can be grounds for disciplinary action, mandatory “counseling” at the member’s expense, or in the case of Sea Org members, imprisonment.

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