My response to Tide, or Procter and Gamble, ordering the REMOVAL of people’s videos eating pods

Yes, this is outright censorship. Since when has a corporation had the right to do something like this? It’s certainly NOT the first time this happened, and once something is published on the internet, it cannot be deleted. It shouldn’t be. No corporation should be able to do that, regardless how utterly stupid it is.

The video below (which has far more words than I can put here) is embedded from my channel on youtube, backups are on dailymotion AND viddler (below it under a heading). This is in case tide/proctor and gamble try to remove it using their draconian takedown demands.

Embedding from viddler seems to have become incompatible with wordpress, i’ll have to contact them and find out what’s going on. It’s been turned into a link until then.

Backups, obviously.

Link to video on viddler