Sleeping in for more than 8 hours, or going for 12-16 hours? You’ve got a problem!

Hey everybody! I wanted to bring something up, and it’s not an easy thing for anyone to talk about, or witness, due to it impacting on any productive things one does on a daily basis: Sleeping in way too much!

So from what I can tell you here, is likely from some experience, including being a heavy to light sleeper myself, to some people’s parents averaging a total of 12-16 hours of sleep in total, every day. Understanding is one thing, but willfully not wanting to wake up when there are things to do, tasks to be completed, housework to be done… It can all fall behind into a backlog!

Maybe there is some other underlying problem, could it be depression or some other mental health disorder? I think so. Occasionally I get/feel the blues, but that doesn’t stop me from hauling my butt out of bed. I do that, I remain awake, alert and I keep the brain of mine occupied.

Remember this: We are not animals that hibernate for months on end! We have a family to raise, a job to go to, and work to be done, even if it’s once a day! There’s books to read, exercise to be done, even if it’s as cold as an ice cave outside. We have to keep going on.

What I can suggest and advise, is to talk to somebody especially if the oversleeping, or willful oversleeping (you don’t want to get out of bed at all!) Is becoming a big problem! DON’T deny it. You need that help. It’s a little something that can improve everything for your own well-being and health.

Anyways, just wanted to make a new post, to indicate that this blog is not “dead” at all.

Cheers! Feel free to share/e-mail this post.

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