Shared this from a friend on facebook:

1. One of your so called ‘friends’ or ‘family members’ reports you to ‘ethics’ in their local ‘org’ (otherwise known as throwing you under a bus in exchange for their ‘eternal freedom’) because you have said or done something contrary to some ‘real’ or imagined laws within the cult. Usually evidence that you’ve had an ‘aha’ moment and are onto them. Yikes!

2. The ‘Church’ culls your files (including any information in your ‘confessionals’ and ‘personal’ interviews and interrogates everyone you know for ‘incriminating evidence’ of your anti-Scientology activities. If they don’t recall such activities their memories are nudged into the right direction (squeal on your loved one or else).

3. All of the information is collected together and now goes to ‘OSA’ (Office of Special Affairs (AKA CIA headquarters) as you have now been adjudicated to be a ‘threat’.

4. A full ‘handling’ program will be written up which will include pulling in your ‘friends’ and family members and giving them instructions on what needs to be done. Such instructions are given under the threat of further ‘ethics or justice’ actions (punishment) for ‘non-compliance’.

5. You are called in under duress of ‘ethics or justice’ actions (whichever will terrify you into compliance faster) or your relatives are called in and ordered to go and ‘handle you’ under the same conditions of duress.

6. CONDITIONAL: (unlikely unless you really are a massochist). You report in the the ‘Church’ for your handling and are given a stack of super sekrit files all about ‘the bad guys’ who are either ‘religious bigots’, ‘bitter defrocked apostates’, ‘squirrels’ (if you’re in on the lingo), ‘hate groups’ or failing everything else some ‘Anonymous’ or someone being financed by ‘big pharma’. Meanwhile you are hammered about your ‘unethical’ or ‘suppressive’ behavior and threatened and badgered into getting back with the program. If at all possible at this point they will try to get you on an E-Meter. Easy to avoid if you just say you’re not a Scientologist so there’s no reason for you to hang onto their silly contraption.

6. KEEPING IT REAL: You tell the ‘Church’ in no uncertain terms to fuck off. Now they’ve got nothing. What are they going to do? Declare you? All they can do is continue to hound and pound any living relative into getting you to STFU and get inline with the program using continued threats.

7. Some go away quietly at this point wanting no further trouble. As long as their friends and relatives stay with the program and disconnect or keep you under control everything is fine and dandy. However some people choose to use their ‘God-given right’ to speak freely about their thoughts, feelings and experience regarding their experiences with the ‘Church’ and decide to do so. For some this is a vital part of the ‘healing’.

8. The OSA machinery goes into full swing. If you’ve made too much ‘noise’ and people are starting to listen to you OSA fabricates a story about you to feed to their sheeple so there is no chance they will start to wake up and leave. As ‘Members of the Church’ have very limited access to real world information (the reading of non-‘Church approved’ literature or media is strictly forbidden) then this is often enough to keep the ‘flock’ from straying. If you’ve been really naughty you may at this point earn yourself the golden ticket – an excommunication notice written on bright yellow paper and hidden in a drawer so no-one finds out they’ve done it – kind of defeats the purpose really but they take it out once in a while and proudly announce that they’ve discovered that you are part devil and part lunatic and THAT’s why you hate the ‘church’ (not because they tried to destroy your life or take your children away).

9. If you continue to be a pest for the ‘Church’ don’t be surprised to suddenly ‘discover’ some quote from Karin (big fat liar) Pouw (current puppet – erm I mean ‘spokesperson’ for the ‘Church of Scientology’) saying that you’ve been recruited by David Love or me or Marty Rathbun or some faction of Anonymous and you’re all being paid by ‘Eli Lilly’. Yup. they’re THAT insane. If you’re considered very high risk they will hire lunatics to film you, follow you, surveille you, send agents to make friends with and get ‘close’ to you and hack into your email and phone – all in a desperate bid to find your ‘hidden crimes’ and ‘sexual perversions’ (like anyone on planet earth is an angel and anyone else cares less). They demand that ‘friends’ or ‘family’ members still in ‘good standiing’ act as spies and report back to them on your activities in order to maintain their status.
The ultimate plan is to destroy you utterly – financially, emotionally and physically.
I have a first hand report from an ex OSA agent that the actual physical death of a ‘critic’ was cause for champaign celebrations among OSA staff members when he was inside.

10. You beat the ‘Church’ to a pulp simply by exposing them for the lying sack of shit scum bags that they are and they go off and sulk and stand in a corner calling you mean names. Meanwhile you find you have lost a high percentage of your ‘friends’ and possibly ‘family’ and worse you find you have been betrayed by people you once trusted. It can be heartbreaking. BUT you’ve made it out alive and sane and you suddenly find somewhere along the line that you’ve made new friends – REAL friends who have stuck by you through it all. And you realize you’re not alone. And it’s easy to fight back and win 🙂 xxx

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Scientology – Why I got out (the video that the church/cult is trying to eradicate like the tom cruise video)

TOO BAD SCIENTOLOGY!! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THAT VIDEO OFF OF THE INTERNET YOU SCUM SCAMMING BASTARDS!!! You tried with the tom cruise video and that didn’t work, NOW YOU CAN’T WITH THIS ONE!! To the public: Download and re-upload this video using popular services such as, video downloadhelper (firefox addon).


We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget

Expect us.


Scientology – Why I got out

MORE direct links

Scientology – Why I got out

Scientology – Why I Got Out

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry with pride

Scientology Toronto leaks twice in a row, Protest at new temporary and current mOrg’s to piss off the ronbots!

So yeah, it basically started off with two leaks that happened on the exact same day that I spotted in the misdelivered/junk mail to be disposed folder outside the lobby. I always seem to be curious as to what’s in there. Sometimes there are free samples, like tea, which I pocketed. Why waste it eh? This time it was two envelopes packed full of SCIENTOLOGY INTERNAL INFORMATION!

I excitedly grabbed them out of the folder that’s mounted on the wall and took pictures as I was opening each one and sorting each detailed piece out. Then after I took photos of every single one of them, I quickly used the same digital camera that wants to be a D-SLR and did a fly-by of every single piece in video form. As soon as that was done, I got to running each piece through the monochrome scanner. I only had to redo two pieces due to it getting stuck and skewing the image.

Then I got to uploading ALL of the photos and scanned images, then worked on stitching each video clip together. That took a few hours to do, but it was worth it. Then, it got uploaded to the internet and embedded on the forums. After which… Surprise surprise, a recon photo/video shoot was had, and a double solo protest was held, basically being hit and miss with another lovely anonymous protester.

There was allot of garbage/rubble/rubbish/trash/junk that nobody would want due to it getting rained on and possibly having bed bugs in or on it. But whoever grabs it, I won’t. I took photos of all of it, videos of all of it. The org is a fucking mess last I saw it. They’ve got to downsize it to ensure everything fits in the tiny peter street mOrg. They might just get charged for dumping OR littering, if they don’t dispose of it properly. BWAHAHAHA to them if they do, which I hope they get FINED.

We both had our fun! The cult got so pissed off! I got into their faces a few times, the cops were called and after switching to plan B in a snap, they glared at the cult of scientology for wasting their time yet AGAIN, twice in the same day!! Hmm, they even think that they own the public sidewalk that people walk on each day. Ha. I’ll show them next time, unmasked, I’ll enturbulate their asses hard as an SP who use an I DON’T GIVE A FUCK attitude, but in a friendly, polite, civilized manner.

The one thing I hate is violence towards anybody. I don’t care if they try and fair game me. I give fake names all the time, same for fake addresses and no phone numbers. They (OSA) will have a ball with me. Being the random and viral video blogger that doesn’t quite get noticed too often or appreciated, I’ll sure get noticed soon enough. Scilons will help make it big. XD

Thanks for reading. Video links follow this blog entry.

Scientology Toronto made a big mistake! Dox haz been
dropped for you all to consume!

Toronto Church (Cult) of $cientology recon – 696 Yonge
and 77 Peter Street mOrgs

December 8, 2012 – Double Scientology Solo Flash Raid –
Piss ’em off moar!

Free scientology garbage at the toronto Morg

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That scientology protest

So it started off with one anon at the usual location, in front of the Org, they didn’t close the blinds, that is, until the second showed up, when I started yelling through the megaphone before being told to move across the street by the country style owner. I moved back across with the other anon upon his arrival, made late due to transit delays and construction.

Once I started shouting at over 180 Db, Mario closed the doors, it had no effect, I kept it up every so often and people were looking. We talked to some critics and some handlers, it was quite amusing to say the least and for one thing, it actually was more entertaining than the last one. One anon, barely gets any attention, when there’s two or more, then people notice.

The handler got handled by us and also got ripped apart by a critic, he eventually got too nervous and left. Are we too much to handle? Lol. I guess we were. There also was a section of the video (that I caught) of two people going the wrong way through a one-way street. What a bunch of assholes. They’ll be on the web in that video too. I thought to myself, “what were they thinking?”, If they wanted to cause an accident, that was the bad idea, it wouldn’t have been a smart one either.


  • All in all, a great turnout. Looking forward to the next one.

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